Dave is back on Ralph Nader’s Radio Hour show


S. David Freeman speaks on his new book, All-Electric America and on Nuclear Energy.

Click here for the full radio show.

Announced on the Radio Hour: Freeman will be a speaker at Ralph Nader’s “Breaking Through Power” event on Thursday, May 26th.

“Breaking Through Power” To celebrate the Unsafe at Any Speed milestone, and to reflect and renew our civic spirit and resolve we are convening an unprecedented gathering of public interest organizers, advocates, experts, and concerned citizens for four days at historic Constitution Hall in Washington DC.

Fifty years ago the publication of Unsafe at Any Speed sparked a serious awakening in our society that launched initiatives and organizations that have dramatically improved our personal health and safety, in the home, workplace, marketplace and the environment..

Other Guests on the Radio Hour show included: Mickey Huff and Dr. Gordon Douglas.


Dave’s Interview by Ian Masters (Background Briefing)

“Then on the day that Peabody Energy, the world’s largest privately-owned coal producer files for bankruptcy, when we learn that the Koch Brother and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have killed clean energy tax credits for geothermal, small wind, fuel cells and combined heat, we speak with an energy insider David Freeman who headed the TVA, New York Power and the LA DWP. He joins us to discuss how the dirty fossil fuel industry is determined to kill alternative energy even if they kill the planet in the process.”

Listen to Dave’s interview at Background Briefing

Background Briefing is a radio program featuring international and national news, expert guests, policy makers, and critics offering analysis and insight on national security, foreign and domestic policy, political, cultural, and social issues. The program airs Monday-Thursday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time and on Sundays from 11:00 to Noon on KPFK-FM in Los Angeles. It is also broadcast live on http://www.kpfk.org


Where are they now: Former TVA chairman David Freeman reflects on power industry and turning 90

S. David Freeman became known for his signature cowboy hats after a dermatologist told him to cover his head. Freeman, former chairman of the TVA board, lives in Washington, D.C., and just turned 90.“S. David Freeman left Knoxville nearly three decades ago as TVA chairman to run power systems elsewhere and help California solve electricity blackouts. Now he lives in a condo in Washington, D.C., in order to spend time with his family living in the area…
Freeman turned 90 in January and went to Los Angeles with family members two weeks ago for a big party, he said…
He recently co-authored a book with Leah Y. Parks, a journalist in the electricity industry, called “All-Electric America.” The authors say the book makes the case that an all-electric, all-renewable society by 2050 is both necessary and achievable”.

Georgiana Vines thumbnailInterview by Georgiana Vines of the Knoxville News Sentinel.
Read the full interview at the Knoxville News Sentinel website.


KBOO Community Radio Interviews Dave and Leah

Hosted by Barbara Bernstein 

Program: Locus Focus

Air date:  Mon, 02/01/2016 – 10:15am – 11:00am (Pacific Time)

Short Description:  How transitioning to an all-electric, all renewable society is both necessary and achievable. 

What would an all-electric America look like and why is it necessary not only to imagine such a reality, but to actually make it real? On this episode of Locus Focus we talk with David Freeman and Leah Y Parks, co-authors of ALL-ELECTRIC AMERICA, who will explain how making the transition to an all-electric, all renewable society is necessary, practical, financially viable, and achievable.

Ralph Nader Interviews S. David Freeman

“The U.S. has some big problems that require bold solutions. Unfortunately, books about solutions to our society’s problems are often given short shrift by reviewers or languish on our bookshelves. As I often say, this country has more problems than it deserves and more solutions than it uses. Now comes S. David Freeman.”   RALPH NADER, Consumer advocate, lawyer and author

Dave’s Interview by Allan R. Hoffman

September 3, 2014, David Freeman was interviewed by blogger Allan R. Hoffman who has many government positions and has been on important committees in the energy industry since the Nixon administration, including but now limited to, —Office of Utility Technologies, IEA/Working Group on Renewable Energy, Office of Budget, Planning and Analysis (BPA) in the renewable energy in telecom industry.

The interview can be found here.

Dave’s Interview by Ralph Nader

October 4, 2014, David Freeman was featured on the “Ralph Nader Radio Hour.” The interview by Ralph Nader, can be found here.

Ralph, “…talks to old friend and climate crusader, S. David Freeman, about how we can get off of fossil fuels and make all of our power renewable.”